7-Day Phishing Trends
URLs Processed
New Phishing URLs
Brands Targeted
24-Hour Phishing Activity
Facebook, Inc. | 31.4% |
Crypto/Wallet | 16.3% |
Apple Inc. | 9.3% |
Office365 | 5.3% |
AT&T Inc. | 3.6% |
Netflix Inc. | 3.6% |
China Central Television | 2.3% |
Webmail Providers | 2.3% |
Amazon.com Inc. | 1.8% |
Outlook | 1.7% |
Social Networking | 34.2% |
Online/Cloud Service | 21.3% |
Cryptocurrency | 17.5% |
Telecommunications | 9.2% |
Financial | 5.0% |
Email Provider | 4.2% |
e-Commerce | 2.7% |
Gaming | 2.0% |
Gambling | 1.7% |
Payment Service | 1.0% |
AS13335 Cloudflare, Inc. | 37.7% |
AS16509 Amazon.com, Inc. | 20.1% |
AS40680 Protocol Labs | 9.0% |
AS54113 Fastly, Inc. | 7.8% |
AS27647 Weebly, Inc. | 4.8% |
AS46606 Unified Layer | 3.0% |
AS393960 Host4Geeks LLC | 1.5% |
AS15169 Google LLC | 1.2% |
AS136618 Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology | 1.1% |
AS8075 Microsoft Corporation | 1.1% |